Wellness First Wednesday
Educating today for a healthier tomorrow
Join us for lunch the first Wednesday of each month as we learn from local health experts and discover ways to improve health.
Each meeting is carefully crafted to provide valuable knowledge and practical strategies for leading a healthier life. We’d love for you to join us, so mark your calendar and come discover ways to improve your health with us!
October’s Topic: Opioid Misuse
Ever wondered what opioids are and why they’re a concern?
Lynnette Hendrickson, owner of Hendrickson Chiropractic, and Jason Greever, Vice President of Treatment Services at Mirror, will explore what you need to know about opioids, including the risks associated with misuse and how to stay informed.
We’ll also discuss practical steps for increasing awareness and preventing problems related to opioid use. Join us to learn more and help keep our community safe.
Bring your lunch or a purchase a meal from our Sunflower Cafe.
Funded in part by Bureau of Justice Assistance under Federal Award Identification Number 15PBJA-22-GG-04475-COAP

Event Details
Wellness First Wednesday is open to all community members. There is no charge to attend. Bring your own lunch or purchase a meal from our Sunflower Cafe. Seating is limited. Register now!
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
North Dining Room (next to entrance K)
NMC Health Medical Center, 600 Medical Center Drive, Newton, Kansas
Upcoming Topics
- 10/2 - Preventing Prescription & Opioid Misuse with Dr. Lynnette Hendrickson
- Wellness First Wednesday will resume after the new year.