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10 Questions with Rebecca Goulette, MSN, RN, CDCES

10 Questions with Rebecca Goulette

NMC Health is thrilled to announce Rebecca Goulette, MSN, RN, CDCES,NM  as our diabetes educator. With a profound dedication to empowering individuals living with diabetes, Rebecca brings a wealth of expertise and a compassionate approach to our community.

We thought you might want to get to know Rebecca, so we asked her ten questions…

Why are you excited to join NMC Health?
I love teaching, patient education and diabetes education. I am excited to fill this role and serve the local community. The patient population with diabetes as a diagnosis is growing at a tremendous rate and contributes to so many other health issues. Patients should have as much knowledge and education as possible to make informed choices regarding their health, and hopefully this will lead to a better quality of life.

Why did you choose to have a career in healthcare?
My degree was originally going to be public relations and advertising, but I got a job in college as a nurse assistant and discovered I love taking care of patients. It is my passion. I changed my major to nursing.

What are your specialties and why did you choose them?
I have been a nurse for 29 years. I have worked in Oncology, in the intensive care units, as a float nurse working in all adult general areas, and in diabetes for four years. I feel working in diabetes is important because of the growing patient population with this diagnosis. Educating about diabetes not only helps the patients that come to our hospital, but can be beneficial to others in the community.

What inspires you to do what you do every day?
Communicating with the patients and meeting them on their level. One on one communication and providing personalized care that is meaningful and helpful to the patient is beyond rewarding. It is important to give education and create a plan that will work for individuals. Taking small steps to a healthier lifestyle is better than feeling overwhelmed and not taking any steps.

What is your favorite thing about working with patients?
As I said above, communicating with and talking with patients and meeting them on their level. It is extremely rewarding if the patient has an improvement. Improvements in lifestyle, eating and activity are small things that can play a tremendous impact on health. I had one patient that was using an electric scooter daily and after a attending a diabetes class, he would use his walker, and walk around the block, then he started using his cane, as he increased his activity and became stronger he walked more, he lost weight and had to decrease his insulin usage. Those small steps in the beginning can lead to better health. I am always so happy for the patients when they have an improvement in their health.

What is your top priority when providing healthcare?
My top priority is to ensure patient safety, and make sure they are stable. Then my second priority is providing patient centered care that meets the identified needs.

What are your favorite things to do outside of the office?
I don’t do it often, but I like going to the driving range, (I can’t actually golf, I just hit the balls). I like spending time with my family. I like being thankful, taking time to pray and having a few minutes of daily self-reflection. I like to bake and I like to attempt to draw pictures.

If you could give one piece of advice to someone considering a career in healthcare, what would it be?
Health care is a job that takes hard work, dedication and commitment. You have to be willing to help others knowing that you may be seeing them on one of the worst days of their lives. Saying that, providing care is EXTREMELY rewarding. I wouldn’t be in another field besides nursing and teaching.

What’s the best advice you received?
“Work should stay at work, and home should stay at home”. I translate that to if you have a bad day at work you should not take that home to your family. If you have family drama, that should not have an impact on the care you provide. Your focus should be on your patients.

“Be still and know I am God.” That’s always good if you are stressed.

What’s one thing you wish every patient knew?
Patients have the power to make choices about their health. They are in control. A small step daily, or 1 small choice to improve health daily, can have an impact six months to a year down the road.

Welcome, Rebecca. Thank you for your commitment to improving health through diabetes education. We’re so glad you chose NMC Health.

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