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NMC Health Wound Care Receives UHMS Accreditation

Hyperbaric chamber at NMC Health Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Center in Newton KS at Newton Surgery Center building on NMC Health campus

Treating wounds and healing spirits, the NMC Health wound care team are there for you.

Our team recently was awarded the Undersea & Hyperbaric Medical Society Accreditation. This accreditation means our highly trained staff provide top tier treatments and patients see the reward with excellent care.

In the state of Kansas, there are only two facilities to receive this accreditation and NMC Health in Newton is the only facility to have it west of Kansas City.

Our wound care facility meets the highest standards of care and patient safety when it comes to Hyperbaric wound care.

If you are wondering what we mean when we say hyperbaric wound treatments, we are talking about manipulating air pressure to promote wound healing. People who come to NMC Health to treat their hard to heal wounds are assessed and if Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is the determined to be the best option, they undergo a unique and effective treatment regimen.


Go back to high school science class and recall how deep-sea divers get decompression sickness or the bends after a dive. The diver goes into a specially sealed room where a medic can adjust the air pressure to treat the diver. The same technology can be used to treat wounds.

By increasing the air pressure and making the air have a high oxygen content, it has been shown in studies that many people with hard to heal wounds find effective treatment.

At NMC Health, you will enter a specially healed cylindrical chamber. Once inside, our team will adjust the air pressure and oxygen levels in the chamber. Most times, the treatment will last about two hours.

IF HBOT is the right treatment for you, the team at NMC Health is ready to help. We have two physicians and an APRN trained in Hyperbaric medicine. We also have a Certified Hyperbaric Tech and Certified Hyperbaric Registered Nurse. 

If you are interested in this type of treatment, click here for more information about HBOT at NMC Health. 

NMC Health is a comprehensive 99-bed hospital in Newton, Kan., offering full-service medical care in Harvey, Butler and northern Sedgwick counties. For more information about NMC Health, please call 316.283.2700 or explore our services here

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